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European Commission



DG ECHO has published the List of standard supporting documents for ECHO financial audits of partners. You can find it in the Audit section and on the Reference Documents page. 


DG ECHO has published updated guidelines for Partners on Humanitarian aid actions implemented under Exceptional Extreme Operating Conditions.

Please have a look at the newly created pages and dedicated reference documents on the NGO and IO Partners' Website sectios. 


The French and Spanish versions of the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union-funded Humanitarian Aid Actions are now available in the Reference Document Page. Have a look.


A new page on crisis modifier has been created under the NGOs and IOs sections. Have a look!


A new version of the Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS) has been published on the Reference Documents. It applies as of 1 September 2024 and only to Agreements with the obligation to submit CFS signed after this date. Agreements signed before 1 September 2024 will be subject to the previous version of the CFS.


Upcoming Partners workshop Peru and Ecuador:


Session 1: International, National and Local NGOs (including Red Cross)

Modality: In-person only

Date: 16 July in Lima and 18 July in Quito 

Time: 8:30-11:30am


Session 2: UN Agencies and Programs

Modality: In-person only

Date: 16 July in Lima and 18 July in Quito 

Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm



For both sessions, the details of the location will be sent to confirmed participants, determined on a first come first serve basis considering room capacity.

Contact person: CHAIX Jessica (ECHO Bogota)



Non-essential changes are unilateral modifications of the Grant Agreement. 

Upon submission, the request is classified as a Non-Essential Change, a specific type of Modification Request that is immediately favourable. DG ECHO does not need to approve these changes, unless it identifies that one of the changes pertains to an essential element of the Action (e.g., modifications to cash distribution activities). In such cases, DG ECHO will inform the Partner of the reasons for considering the request invalid and give instructions to withdraw the NEC request. Please have a look at this link for more information.


A final version of the Annotated Grant Agreement (AGA) is now available! It includes clarifications to the general parts of the Model Grant Agreement (MGA) and the Specific Rules for the implementation of Humanitarian Aid Operations (Annex 5 – HUMA).


A new form which could be used for sensitive/significant SEAH allegations has been uploaded on the reference documents sections.



Upcoming partners meetings in the LAC region:


May 16, 2024: “Defining Strategies for more effective disaster preparedness and emergency response in the Caribbean” in person and hybrid.

Venue: Auditorium UN house, Bridgetown, Barbados

Contact person: Daniela D´Urso (


18 y 19 de Junio de 2024: “Estrategias Innovadoras para la Preparación ante Desastres y la Respuesta Humanitaria en Centroamérica y México”, in person (possibility of hybrid sessions to be confirmed).

Venue: Ciudad del Saber Casa 39 (tbc), Panama City, Panama.

Contact person: Liesbeth Schockaert (



When the partner becomes aware of an incident of suspected aid diversion, it needs to inform ECHO as soon as possible of the circumstances and impact of the aid diversion incident, which may be done using an Aid Diversion Reporting Form  which has been published on the Reference Document page.


DG ECHO Protection Key Outcome Indicator (PKOI) - Technical Guidance and Toolkit has been published in the French version.


The Financial Statement (CFS) and related ToR have been published in the French versions in the Reference documents for the HUMA MGA.


Clarification on Annex “Checklist”: please note that the Checklist annexed to the Visibility and Communication Manual is not a new reporting requirement. It is rather a tool aiding Partners to fulfill their regular reporting obligations via the e-Single Form. It can also be used as an aide-mémoire for Partners’ regular contacts with the Regional Information Officers.


The Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS) to be filled by the auditor and the related ToR have been published on the NGOs' Reference document page.