Credit: EU 2012 photo credits_ECECHO Arjun Claire
As a general rule, Actions should be carefully planned since the very beginning and all the circumstances and potential risks must be taken into account in the proposal design. However, considering the volatility of humanitarian contexts, there may be well-justified circumstances that require a modification to the Grant Agreement after it entered into force.
Amendment requests must be always duly justified, clear and unequivocal and should be discussed beforehand with DG ECHO staff, both in the field and at HQ level.
Amendments shall not have the purpose or the effect of making changes to the Grant Agreement, which would call into question the award of the grant, or be contrary to the equal treatment of partners.
Any amendment shall be done in writing and can be requested by the Partner or by DG ECHO.
Partners requesting an amendment must submit a request for amendment directly in APPEL, under the conditions and respecting the procedure detailed in Article 39 of the Grant Agreement. Depending on the subject of the amendment, two options are available:
In case the Partner needs to modify other information stored in APPELbut not directly linked to the Action (e.g. bank details, contact persons, legal responsible empowered to sign contracts …), it needs to follow the procedure related to other changes.